sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

Why to be globally competent? - Professional Implications of Global Citizenship

The world moves increasingly towards globalisation and as result, a super fast growth in the globalised economy can be seen. Therefore, people from different cultures and backgrounds find themselves working together more and more frequently and in order to have an effective and positive workplace companies operating in a global economy have been seeking employees with global competencies.

In light of this, I have gathered from my researches and readings some significant points of why being globally competent/global citizen is important within a company nowadays:

- Effective communication
Even when people are willing to work in group, they can cause confusion or offend others unintentionally because of their different ways of behaving or doing things. Acting as global citizen is to have self and cross-cultural awareness, understand that people from different cultures can have different approaches, interpretations, perspectives, attitudes and reactions, bear in mind that what is appropriate in one culture may not be in another one (Quappe & Cantatore 2005). Thus, we should assume that people are different from us (Quappe & Cantatore 2005) and actively seek to understand cultural norms and expectations of others (Hunter 2004) to avoid misunderstandings,  and enhance the effectiveness of our communication.

- Efficient teamwork
Global citizens know how to manage and value cultural diversity and differences of multicultural groups, the result of this are teams which work inclusively, highly aligned (John Deere 2013). culturally aware workplaces have less conflict, greater work flow and better staff morale.

- Efficient leadership
A leader who cannot effectively manage differences, communicate with or understanding their employees's actions can lose its credibility. Besides, a global citizen leader can spread the global citizenship principles to others employees.

Critical thinking - Ability to analyse and solve complex problems 
Global citizen have a global perspective and thus, they can reflect on and analyse problems and evaluate solutions considering multiple and alternative visions. 

- Getting prepared to step into a changing world, accept changes and even being a change agent
A global citizen understandings that the world and its issues change constantly, and companies need to follow theses changes, their purpose, projects and actions can change according to what happening around the world. A global citizen who has this in mind can alert and start a necessary change.

- Ongoing learning and critical review of one's own education
An important global competence is open-mindedness, which enables continuous learning. In addition, competencies such as the ability to listen, observe, evaluate, analyse, interpret and relate are significant skills that are essential to continued learning throughout life (Bremer 2006). However, it is crucial to question, critically analyse and investigate the veracity of information in order to avoid misinformation. It is also important try to search for different viewpoints that are not addressed in, for example, the news media and books (Andrzejewski & Alessio 1999).

You can find here some really interesting quotes about global competence and global citizenship:

"Globally competent learner is one who is able to understand the interconnectedness of people and systems, to have a general knowledge of history and world events, to accept and cope with the existence of different cultural values and attitudes and, indeed, to celebrate the richness and benefits of this diversity." (Stanley Foundation & the American Council on International Intercultural Education 1996, Educating for the Global Community: A Framework for Community Colleges; cited by Hunter at al 2006, p. 274)

“As people develop an ever greater understanding of other cultures, languages, and societies, they also will develop better respect for the differences that exist around the world and will grow into more open-minded and collaborative global citizens.” (Kirwan n.d.; cited by Bremer 2006, p. 45)

“As society, the economy, and the workforce becomes more cross-cultural, those that are comfortable enough to deal with, understand, and respect cultural difference will be the leaders that can advance their goals.” (Moffatt n.d.; cited by Bremer 2006, p. 42)

Andrzejewski, J & Alessio, J 1999, 'Education for Global Citizenship and Social Responsability', Progressive Perspectives: 1998-99 Monograph Series, vol. 1, no. 2, accessed 29 Jan 2015,

Bremer, D. 2006, WANTED: GLOBAL WORKERS, International Educator, accessed 30 Jan 2015,

Hunter, B, White, GP & Godbey, GC 2006, 'What does it mean to be globally competent?', Journal of Studies in International Education, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 267-285, accessed 30 Jan 2015,  

Hunter, W 2004, 'Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Experiences Necessary to Become Globally Competent', doctoral dissertationLehigh University, Pennsylvania, accessed 29 Jan 2015,

John Deere 2013, 2013 Global Citizenship Report - Demonstrating Commitment in Action, John Deere, accessed 30 Jan 2015,

Quappe, S & Cantatore, G 2005, What is Cultural Awareness, anyway? How do I build it?, accessed 29 Jan 2014,

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