domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014


In order to be an effective global citizen, it is important to understand the process of globalisation, which is not recent, but it started a long time ago with the expansion of religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, and also with international trades, which includes movements of people, animals, food, goods and money.

It is widely known the various benefits of globalisation. I have listed a few below:
- Greater cultural diffusion (language, arts, music, dance, sport, etiquette, cuisine, clothing, literature, beliefs, values and so on);
- Increased circulation and speed of information;
- Increased communication and connectivity between people over the world;
- Free international trade, access to foreign goods and services;
- More opportunities for international travel;
- Better quality of life (it increases the standard living, education, health);
- ...

However, it is also important to recognise its potential drawbacks. I have collected some cartoons that I found really interesting, they illustrate some disadvantages of the globalisation and make us think about this process which is happening around us and affecting us directly.

-Invasion of Western culture, predominance of certain cultures at the expense of others
Singer, A 2007, Invading New Markets, cartoon, viewed 14 dDecember2014,

- Political leaders, who sets the rules ?, who chooses what is right and what is wrong?
Economic Globalization Political Cartoon picture
Maguire, B n.d., cartoon, viewed 14 december 2014,

- The coast and the product of Globalisation
globalization cartoon
Author unknown n.d., cartoon, viewed 14 december 2014,

- Lost of local cultural elements, depreciation of national culture
Author unknown n.d., cartoon, viewed 14 december 2014,

Globalisation in my study area:
As a computer science student, an article has drawn my attention: "The globalisation of technology and its implications for developing countries. Windows of opportunity or further burden?" . It is about the spread of technology across the world, in particular, technology from developed countries to developing countries. The authors argue that the globalisation of technology may offer new opportunities for a country development; however, it is not happening in the most of developing countries due to the lack of strategies and policies which aim the transmission and absorption of know-how, knowledge and technological expertise to local level. While these strategies are not implemented, only countries that create technologies will benefit from this globalisation process.

Archibugi, D & Pietrobelli, C 2003, 'The globalisation of technology and its implications for developing countries. Windows of opportunity or further burden?', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 861-883, accessed 14 December 2014, ScienceDirect database.

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